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$3.5 Million in State Grant Funding Awarded to Sacramento Region for Groundwater Recharge, Monitoring & Scientific Studies

The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) has announced the award of over $3.5 million in grant funding to support projects to recharge the groundwater basin and monitor conditions in the Sacramento region’s North American Subbasin.

The grant, awarded to the Sacramento Groundwater Authority (SGA) on behalf of five Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSAs) in Sacramento, Placer and Sutter counties, will fund, among other things:

  • Seven new wells that will provide important insight into groundwater levels throughout the greater Sacramento region.
  • A unique groundwater well that will allow both monitoring of groundwater conditions and provide an emergency water supply, if needed, within a severely disadvantaged community in Western Placer County.
  • A new study to determine the potential for recharging groundwater in Western Placer County.

Read the full news release here.


Regional Water Authority

2295 Gateway Oaks, Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95833

(916) 967-7692

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